LMS Physical Therapy

Have a physical therapy-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Is holistic women's physical therapy covered by insurance?

    Coverage can vary, so it's essential to check with your insurance provider. Some plans may cover holistic women's physical therapy, especially if it is prescribed by a healthcare provider as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Get in touch with our women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC today to learn more about our treatment plan options.

  • Are virtual or telehealth sessions available for holistic women's physical therapy?

    Yes, many women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC offer virtual sessions, allowing for remote consultations, exercises, and education. Virtual sessions can be a convenient option for those unable to attend in person or during situations like the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • How do I find a qualified holistic women's physical therapist?

    You can start by asking your primary care physician for recommendations. Additionally, you can search online directories, check with local women's health clinics, or inquire about physical therapy clinics that specialize in women's health. Ensure that the therapist has experience and expertise in holistic women's physical therapy. Here at LMS Physical Therapy, we're proud to have Lisa Sottung, one of the top women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC, as our head of staff. Call us today to learn more and get started on the journey to feel your best.

  • What is holistic women's physical therapy?

    Holistic women's physical therapy is a specialized branch of physical therapy that considers the entire well-being of women, addressing physical, nutritional, emotional, and social aspects. It aims to treat conditions unique to women, such as pelvic pain and prenatal and postpartum issues, while also addressing musculoskeletal problems such as LBP or shoulder pain. We use a comprehensive integrative systems model approach for every individual, creating personalized treatment plans for each unique patient. If you're looking for holistic women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC, contact our helpful team today. We'll ensure that all of your questions get answered.

  • What conditions can holistic women's physical therapy help with?

    Holistic women's physical therapy can assist with a range of conditions, including pelvic pain, incontinence, pregnancy-related discomfort, postpartum recovery, and musculoskeletal issues. According to the National Library of Medicine, of physical therapy patients with pregnancy-related disorders, 63.1% seek care for lower back pain. Our individualized approach ensures that expectant and postpartum mothers receive the care and support their bodies need.

    Holistic women's physical therapy also addresses other women's health concerns, including PCOS, physical challenges due to hormone changes, prolapse, and athletics. Our women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC work to improve mobility, integrated movement strategies, breathing, and motor repatterning for better body mechanics and overall core/pelvic health.

  • How is holistic women's physical therapy different from traditional physical therapy?

    It's a comprehensive approach, considering not only the specific location of the physical symptoms but also how the body functions as an integrated unit and how to incorporate healing and wellness for the alleviation of symptoms and prevention. There is also attention given to nutrition, emotional, and social factors. Women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC often integrate techniques such as manual therapy, exercise, relaxation/breathing techniques, motor planning, and neural integration training and education to address the whole person. To learn more about our holistic approach to care, give us a call today.

  • What can I expect during a holistic women's physical therapy session?

    Sessions typically involve an initial assessment where the therapist gathers information about your health history, lifestyle, and specific concerns and then creates a complete physical evaluation with a list of objective measures. The sessions are individual and last from 50 minutes to an hour. Treatment plans are then personalized to address your unique needs and goals. To get in touch with our experienced and friendly women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC, call our office today.

  • Is holistic women's physical therapy only for pregnant or postpartum women?

    While holistic women's physical therapy is beneficial for pregnant and postpartum women, it is not exclusive to them. It addresses a wide range of women's health issues at various life stages, including pelvic pain, menstrual concerns, and musculoskeletal problems unrelated to pregnancy. Our women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC can craft a one-of-a-kind treatment plan so you can reach your own unique goals.

  • How long does a holistic women's physical therapy treatment plan typically last?

    The duration of treatment varies depending on the individual's condition and goals. Some women may find relief in a few sessions, while others with more complex issues may require a more extended treatment plan. Our women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC will discuss the expected duration during your initial assessment. 

  • Can I see a holistic women's physical therapist without a referral from a doctor?

    In many cases, you can see a holistic women's physical therapist without a direct referral. However, some insurance plans may require a referral for coverage. It's advisable to check with both our office and your insurance provider to determine the requirements. Give our women's health physical therapists in Wilmington, NC a call today to learn more about coverage, consultations, and referrals.

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